
APIP was present at the international fair PlastExpo


The Portuguese Plastics Industry Association (APIP) was present at the international fair PlastExpo (9th edition), a reference in the plastics and packaging industry, in Morocco. This fair is organized by the Moroccan Federation of Plastics (Fédération Marocaine de Plasturgie) and took place in El Jadida from June 7th to 10th, 2023.
APIP was present at the international fair PlastExpo

This initiative not only promoted the approach of the Portuguese plastics industry to Moroccan organizations and markets but also allowed APIP to: Promote the dissemination of results from the Better Plastics: Plastics in a Circular Economy Project, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020, and the European Regional Development Fund. Promote the next edition of the Plastics Summit - Global Event, which will take place in Lisbon on October 6th, 2025. This event is organized by APIP with the support of its counterparts, ANAIP, ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry / ABIEF - Brazilian Association of Flexible Plastic Packaging Industry, and ANIPAC.

APIP's booth received numerous visitors, including M. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Commerce and Industry of Morocco, Hicham El Aid, President of the Moroccan Federation of Plastics (FMP), Nabil Saouaf, Deputy Executive Director at the Moroccan Federation of Plastics (FMP), Mohamed Benabdelkade, Head of the Analysis, Studies, and Evaluations Department of the Industrial Strategy at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Rui Cordovil, Director of AICEP Portugal Global Morocco, Nanette Weizsäcker Chaqri, Senior Project Manager at Advantage Austria, Mario Maggiani, Director of AMP Amaplast, and Francesco Pagnini, Director of ICE - Casablanca, as well as APIP associates Ravago (Sérgio Moreira) and IMCD Group (Luis Silva).