World Environment Day
June 5, 2024
Today is World Environment Day, a commemorative date for environmental and climate action. Celebrated since 1974, this day involves governments, companies and civil society in the search for solutions to environmental problems, with this year's theme being "soil restoration, desertification and drought resistance".

We are currently facing crises such as climate change, the destruction of nature, the loss of biodiversity as well as pollution and waste issues. The restoration and regeneration of nature are fundamental, not only to increase livelihoods in a context of exponential population growth and extreme climatic conditions, but also as a means of promoting carbon storage. The United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 calls for the protection and revitalization of ecosystems around the world in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Plastics Industry, which APIP represents, remains strongly committed to an environmentally conscious and responsible approach, seeking to adopt the most sustainable practices in terms of its processes and products, to promote effective resource efficiency and a more circular and carbon-neutral economy, where Research, Development and Innovation play a key role.
On this day, we remember the video "Call to Action", presented at the closing of the 1st edition of the Plastics Summit - Global Event, which translates the commitment to be made by ALL OF US in protecting our planet, our Common Home.